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Neat little game, I think the hit boxes for the items you jump on or walk on need a bit of work, mostly the ruler section was the most finicky. Also maybe add a variable to start at a reduced speed from standing to avoid sliding off smaller areas when needing to turn while platforming. It would also be nice if when you get to the location that needs item installed it either lines up or a mechanism to rotate and require you to do it yourself depending if want more puzzler than platformer.

It is a good start of a little game will keep installed to see where it goes.

PS: If planning to use as a means to test mechanics adding more puzzles to find the 6 vials seems like a good way to do so. Example the blocks could be a stacked around one and you put together the robot to then have it walk into or punch the blocks to open the area to grab.

Thank you for playing my little demo , i came to the conclusion that indeed the ruler is a little on the small side. The idea of you having to build the robot is a great idea.  Thank you for your'e feedback.

I can quit making notes when wanted, but till others do I am enjoying seeing the improvements and how fast updates that come. Hit boxes for objects still a little off putting (main example the blanket fold on the bed acting like a platform where it seems more like it would be something to step up onto just by walking), but works much better with the changes made, it still has much better feel over all and especially not having to fight controls as with first release presented here.

I could see as branching to a nice puzzler or a platformer given how much more work you are wanting to put into it.

For a short little experience it seems like a project that can expanded on and improved, but as a first it is a good work in progress.

Will also ask: Is picking up the pencils part of the tutorial or is there something else? 

Cheers and keep up the good work.